Ambietel presents solutions for water treatment, design, supply of technology, installation and monitoring of complete systems, in the production of potable water and reuse, for domestic and industrial applications.

The quality of services provided our clients is one of the primary objectives of our business activity, being ensured by thecontinuous training of the Company’s staff, the level of knowledge of the new technologies as new requirements for water quality standards.
Ambietel is looking for a good performancethe services provided. To this end, it clearly identifies the needs of Customers, at the level of water treatments, and proposes the more technically and economically adjusted solutions. This whole process is carried out in close connection with the customer.
The design, delivery and installation of water treatment equipment is ensured according the desired quality and suitable for the purpose for which it is intended.
There is a responsibility for all the treatments installed, following up when justified.
All necessary information and training is provided to the client company’s staff to understand the Treatment system, in order to ensure the proper functioning of the facility and its optimization.